Smart Home Services
At I.T. Roadmap, we are big fans of the “Internet of Things,” or the IoT. The Internet of Things is a scenario in which the objects in our environment are embedded with electronics that allow them to be sensed and controlled remotely across the existing network infrastructure—for example, home automation.
Home automation is rapidly becoming a must-have consumer technology. If you’re carrying your smartphone already, it only makes sense to use it turn your lights on and off, set your thermostat, or give your babysitter access to your front door lock. When implemented properly, smart home technology can enhance convenience, comfort, and safety.

If you’d like to make the switch to a smart home, or even just to add a few smarter features to your home, you should ask yourself:

Home automation technology is evolving at such a rapid pace that the possibilities are dizzying. Think about the daily activities where you most wish you could press a button, whether it’s that you always forget to turn off the light in the den before you get into bed, or you wish you could keep a record of who comes to your door. Here on our website you’ll find a growing list of resources for products that can help you solve those daily needs. Or at any stage in the process, contact us for a consultation. With decades of experience in network security, a military intelligence background, and a maker spirit, we are uniquely qualified to evaluate your home situation and put systems in place that will make your life easier and safer.