Email and Application Support

Whether your business has outgrown Gmail accounts or you’ve been using hosted messaging systems for years, I.T. Roadmap understands the need for uninterrupted, easy communication. We can implement a system that provides your organization with efficient access to email, calendars, contacts, and task lists.
Built to deliver the enterprise-grade security and reliability that businesses require, Microsoft Exchange Online provides hosted email, calendar and contacts on your PC, phone, and web browser. (And yes, it works with Macs and iPhones too.)
I.T. Roadmap can implement an email system that includes:
Built-in anti-virus and antispam filters to protect your information and help you focus on what’s most important
Mobile sync to hundreds of devices—so you can access and update your info while on the go
99.9% uptime commitment with a financially-backed Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Live phone support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Personal email, calendars, contacts, tasks, and notes
Private and shared calendars so everyone at your company can see appointments in real time
A list of private contacts, as well as a list of contacts visible to everyone at your organization
Your own domain name and custom email addresses