
Technology Resources

Explore the latest web design trends and tools with our comprehensive technology blog, packed with valuable resources and information.

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

A young friend of IT Roadmap received a Raspberry Pi 3B for Christmas and asked us for a little help in setting it up for the first time. We love Raspberry Pi for rapid prototyping, so we congratulate Santa Claus on his good choice! Raspberry Pi is a great way of helping kids achieve computer literacy quickly, and (bonus) the finished product may be a little less addictive than, say, a mobile phone or tablet. We’ll explain why when we talk about the Raspberry Pi’s operating system.

Spring Cleaning for Outdated Technology

With spring on the horizon, you might be entertaining thoughts of spring cleaning. We certainly are! And one of the areas in our lives that seldom gets touched is old technology. You’ve got a few dozen floppy disks and not a single floppy disk drive in the house. You’ve got a box of CDs and your Mac Air doesn’t have a CD tray. What about those old VHS tapes or even Super 8 film rolls? We’ve got solutions for each of these to help you ditch your outdated technology and clear the clutter from your house.

Choosing a POS: Shopify

In the last two weeks, we have talked about Square and PayPal Here, two leading choices for simple Point of Sale systems. Both are great options, but the next service we review might be perfect for you if you operate both an e-commerce website and a brick-and-mortar store. Both Square and PayPal Here can be used to process payments on an e-commerce site built in WordPress, but if you’re using Shopify, they offer a POS system that slots right in! Any product or inventory updates that you make in your Shopify admin panel will instantly take effect in Shopify POS.

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