
Technology Resources

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Using Facebook Events for Business

One of our clients is holding an event next week that ticks all the boxes: free food, free post-election cocktails, and plenty of unique shopping to kickstart the holiday shopping season. We set up an email marketing plan for the event using Constant Contact and sent it out to her mailing list, but we advised that she use Facebook Events to promote it as well. Before pulling the trigger on the Facebook Event, however, we had to ask ourselves if we should do a public event or a private one. Ultimately, we decided on a private event because the light lunch and cocktails offered might attract too many attendees to manage. Either way, Facebook Events can be a powerful tool to promote your event.

Opting out of Google’s Privacy Changes

A few weeks ago, we wrote a blog post where we talked about Google’s protection of user data in Google Analytics. It comes as a bit of a surprise, then, that Google made such a radical change to its privacy policy toward the end of summer. You probably noticed—but might have skimmed right by—a screen informing you of this change, because of a slightly misleading headline. “Some new features for your Google Account,” read the headline. As with so much fine print, these “features” aren’t really helpful for you so much as they are for Google.

Spam Robocalls and How to Stop Them

With election season in full force, you might be experiencing more robocalls than usual. We certainly have been. These weren’t political calls, though… we got rid of those years ago by registering our phone numbers on the national Do Not Call Registry. We can’t imagine why anyone would choose not to register with this website, unless you have nothing to do all day. So when the robocalls ramped up, we first checked to make sure our registration had not expired by going to . The registration was still current, so what gives with all these calls? According to Telecommunication company YouMail, U.S. phones were plagued by 2.61 BILLION robocalls in September, more than doubling the total number of estimated monthly robocalls received in September 2015.

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