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Top 5 SEO Myths
If you first learned about SEO 5 or even 10 years ago, we hate to break it to you: things have changed a lot. Where once you could reliably boost your page rank by adding meta tags and meta keywords, that’s no longer the case. Google rolled out eleven major updates just last year, and this year is likely to match it. Surely you’ve noticed how Google searches have become more and more intuitive—a feature that is directly related to how much better it’s become at wedding the good content out from the bad. To take a trip down memory lane, here are our favorite SEO practices that gone the way of the dinosaur:
500 Server Errors and How to Fix Them
Last week we were innocently editing a client’s website, when we noticed that the dashboard was painfully slow to load. And then we got the dreaded 500 server error—not once, but a few times. No doubt you’ve experienced this before: you try to go to a particular website, and nothing loads except a plain text page that says “500 Internal Server Error,” or “HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error,” or “Temporary Error (500),” or some variation thereof. This is a server-side error, which means that your computer or Internet connection is not the culprit.
Remarketing Ads 101
Have you ever shopped online for something—it could be anything from shoes to a car—and then you saw ads popping up for those products hours or even weeks later. It’s a little creepy, right? Creepy like a fox! This tactic is called ‘remarketing,’ which consists of any marketing materials that remind people of businesses they have visited in the past. This repetitive action increases the likelihood that those people will make a purchase or respond to a call to action.