Technology Resources
Explore the latest web design trends and tools with our comprehensive technology blog, packed with valuable resources and information.
Moving a WordPress Website the Easy Way
Just like any other undertaking, you don’t even know what you don’t know when you start a WordPress website. Maybe your website was designed with someone who drifted off into the ether, never to be heard from again. Maybe you chose a host that charges way too much. Maybe you’re even selling your business and need to break off the website into a fresh account. There are myriad reasons for moving a WordPress site, and the good news is that it’s easier than it used to be.
How to Use Private Pages in Squarespace
Recently a client asked us about creating “members only” pages in her Squarespace website, which got us thinking about the possibilities. Yes, Squarespace does give you the opportunity to make a page—or pages—password-protected. But will it have all the flexibility you need?
Web Design Trends That Users Hate
There are so many web design trends to love: oversized photography, magazine-style typographic layouts, or cinemagraphs. The flip side are those web design equivalents of pleated pants (why oh why are they coming back?), the mullet, or fanny packs. They make our head spin and our skin crawl and we're not sure how they came to be popular. But somehow, here they are...