Technology Resources
Explore the latest web design trends and tools with our comprehensive technology blog, packed with valuable resources and information.
How to Sell a High-Value Domain
Twenty years and 10 months ago, a client of ours registered a domain name. And ten years ago, articles were already being written to lament that all the good domain names were taken. Indeed, ALL four-letter .com domains have been gone for some time. This domain name has 7 letters, but it could also be used for multiple purposes by several large corporations, and it would work internationally. The domain name was sold for $35.6 million in 2010, and was sold for $35 million in 2007. And while we don’t expect this one to sell for anywhere near this figure, our client has decided the time has come to sell. So how do you negotiate the best price at which to sell a high-value domain?
Data Security When Traveling
With Thanksgiving just around the corner and millions of people hitting the road and the runways, we thought this might be a good time to talk about data security while traveling. It’s such a mundane thing, but so much of our lives is on these devices now that it would be a dereliction of duty to just pop them in your bag and go.
Thanksgiving IT Support
We’re perilously close to that time of year. The turkey’s in the oven, the smell of pumpkin wafts through the air, and your mom is asking you why she keeps getting a popup about iCloud on her iPad. That’s right: it’s the time of year when you traditionally fix your parents’ computers. We’ve perfected the art of impromptu IT support, so take a look at our checklist for getting through it as quickly and efficiently as possible.