
Technology Resources

Explore the latest web design trends and tools with our comprehensive technology blog, packed with valuable resources and information.

How to Improve Your Google Maps Ranking

Most of our clients have had a business for quite a while, but occasionally we have a client who’s starting from scratch. No website, no domain name, no brand—just a great product and a lot of pluck! Recently, a client in this exact boat asked us how to show up on the first page of Google, and in particular how to show up as one of the first results in Google Maps. While we can’t promise that—especially for a brand-new business—a number of our clients do in fact appear on the first page of relevant search results. How they achieved that Google ranking is a good question with a difficult answer.

Advice for Nonprofit Websites

This year more than ever, we’ve worked on a number of web marketing projects for non-profits. And this week, we watched a campaign for a local Texas organization, RAICES, go viral on Facebook, raising well over $20 million in about two weeks. If you’ve got your 501(c)(3) set up and you are ready to start thinking about a website and online fundraising, here is our advice for getting started.

Remote Support with I.T. Roadmap: AeroAdmin

Last week, we quietly added a button to our Tech Support page. After years of using TeamViewer and Logmein products for remote support, we have switched to a new-to-us product called AeroAdmin. While we love offering remote support, we didn’t love the process of walking people through installing our remote support tools. And while Logmein is a great product that has gotten much easier to use in the past year or two, we don’t love the pricing for it—now over $100 per month. After all, the lower our cost for support tools, the less it costs you too. AeroAdmin is only $69.90 per seat per year, and it allows us to establish remote access to an unlimited number of computers.

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